A New York conditional license can be issued to drivers who have had their license suspended or revoked due to a DWI or DUID violation. This is an administrative action, separate from a criminal conviction in the state, and subject to change if there is a DUI conviction. After a person is arrested and charged with a DWI, he or she has have to apply for the conditional license and attend an IDP (Impaired Driver Program), once the license is approved.
The New York Conditional license is a restricted license that allows you to take care of personal commitments.
If you qualify for the license, you will only be able to drive under certain circumstances. For example, a New York conditional license will allow alleged offenders the freedom to drive:
- To and from their place of employment.
- Their child to school or daycare if necessary to maintain employment or for their own enrollment in school, college or any state approved training programs.
- If their job requires it, except for commercial driver’s license (CDL) drivers.
- To any classes authorized by the IDP are also.
- To any medical or clinical appointments.
- To the DMV office if summoned to conduct any business related to their license or the program.
Your conditional license will be revoked if you are caught drinking and driving again, or any other moving violation (no seat belts, reckless driving, etc.).
When you have a conditional license in New York, if you are convicted of a DWI, you will still have an ignition interlock requirement. New York has an all-offender interlock requirement that has set the bar high for other states to follow, while keeping its streets safe from drunk drivers. Until you are ordered to install the device, however, the conditional license allows you the ability to legally drive. That keeps you moving in the right direction while you prepare for your day in DWI court.
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